
Entrepreneurship and Innovation

萝莉视频鈥檚 entrepreneurship and innovation programs offer students鈥攁s well as faculty, staff, and community members鈥攁 host of opportunities to bring a concept to reality, to learn by doing, to innovate and explore, to solve problems, to take risks and grow in new ways.

Current programs and initiatives:

Entrepreneurship and Innovation at 萝莉视频

As it enters its third century, 萝莉视频 is making significant investments in the areas of arts, creativity, and innovation, enhancing existing academic and co-curricular programs in these areas and developing new ones, all in a reimagined region: 萝莉视频鈥檚 Middle Campus.

Creativity and innovation are key advantages of a liberal arts education; they are areas where 萝莉视频 can distinguish itself.

The 萝莉视频 Initiative for Arts, Creativity and Innovation in the Middle Campus is not merely a rethinking of the role of the traditional arts at 萝莉视频, but a rethinking of both our overall educational experience and the campus itself. The Middle Campus will become the gateway to the Liberal Arts at 萝莉视频 by connecting, amplifying, and reenergizing the programs, the departments, and the buildings into a neighborhood that welcomes you through 萝莉视频鈥檚 College Street entrance.

Within this physical and intellectual context, 萝莉视频 is developing an Entrepreneurship and Innovation ecosystem, offering students--as well as faculty, staff, and community members--a host of opportunities to bring a concept to reality, to learn by doing, to innovate and explore, to take risks and grow in new ways.

Programmatically, 萝莉视频 will build on the strengths and successes of its signature Thought Into Action program, developing new programs that connect entrepreneurship and innovation with the arts, faculty research, and 鈥渕akers鈥 across campus. We will also be developing programs that prompt students to think broadly about how they present themselves to the world: how they articulate their aspirations and tell their own stories, develop a personal brand that maps onto their guiding values, or consider how they might want to make public use of their name, image, and likeness. Information about these new programs will be rolled out over the 2021-22 school year: please check back to see what鈥檚 new.
Physically, 萝莉视频 will expand its locus for entrepreneurship by supplementing the existing coworking Hub in downtown Hamilton with new Middle Campus spaces. The upper floors of the Dana Arts Center, an iconic mid-century building designed by renowned architect Paul Rudolph, will become the central hub of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at 萝莉视频. A renovated Dana will be a place of round-the-clock creativity and engagement, offering dedicated project rooms and maker-spaces, workspaces for ideation and collaboration, meeting areas for group work and 鈥減hone booths鈥 for private conversations. In Dana, Entrepreneurship and Innovation will be a central part of the Middle Campus nexus of experimentation, design, digital creation, hands-on exploration, and innovation.

This is an exciting time for entrepreneurship and innovation at 萝莉视频. To fulfill the vision laid out in 萝莉视频's Third-Century Plan, our team is developing new programs and building strengths in existing ones. We are collaborating with faculty, staff, alumni, and students to envision the future, develop our roadmap, and take action. 

Carolyn Strobel-Larsen Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs

Leadership Team

Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Assistant Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation

TIA Advisory Board

The Thought Into Action Advisory Board, created in 2020, provides oversight to the University administration and staff in the continued development of the Thought Into Action program. The TIA Advisory Board meets regularly and consists of alumni, administrators, and faculty.

Current Programs and Initiatives

Thought Into Action

Immersive co-curricular programs that enable aspiring entrepreneurs to develop an idea into a real product or service. Participants are guided by seasoned entrepreneurs and supported by robust on-campus resources. 

Research Into Action

Support for faculty and other scholars who are interested in bringing scholarly research and intellectual property to corporations, foundations, and/or the public. 

Social Entrepreneurship

Students interested in social entrepreneurship and innovation can make a difference using their passions by participating in programs like Clinton Global Initiative University and the TIA Incubator.

Campus Ventures

Student entrepreneurs who are interested in selling goods or services on campus are supported by the Campus Venture Initiative (CVI), which provides certification to operate on campus and resources to support on-campus business activity.

Campus and Alumni Programming

Programs and initiatives designed to connect 萝莉视频 entrepreneurs with one another, to share ideas and forge relationships, offer mentorship, expertise, and advice.